Quite frequently I get these types of emails from Brethren in Africa.
Dear Brethren,
We are a group of Christians here in Kenya who refused the false teaching of our elders. We are here to face the truth even if death comes we don't care.And when read your website it was touching and had the same beliefs,doctrines and visions and missions same as mine and lead by Holy Spirit to contact you to ask for affiliation and partnership by fellowship with you to build the body of Christ and reach more soul with God's love and His word to bring them to light. We need the whole truth from you. request for bibles and learning materials from you and wish to know if will like to affiliate with us here in Kenya and support our orphanage kids,widows,Elderly and poor in the community and ministry with shoes,clothes,computers or laptops,digital cameras,sewing machines,foods among other basic needs for them to use and build vocational trainings to give them skills to be independent and get income by doing some small business and but them chickens,cow,sheep or goat to rear to get money for their daily needs and basic needs with their family . How can you say that you love God if you don't love his people:We are experiencing a financial crisis and need immediate help to fight off the enemy. Who can we call on? God, obviously, since He is our ultimate source! But God does not send money from heaven; instead, He chooses to use Christians to convey finances for His ministries on earth. We are running short of funds, and as I prayed the matter, the Holy Spirit instructed me to let our needs be known to our brothers and sisters in Christ Thanks I am your brother and a servant of the lord.
Pastor Sammy Barongo