I think Gerald Flurry needs to be reported to the government for his assassination comment. Given how incredibly crazy some COG members are in these lunatic fringe groups, there is a strong possibility that some whacked out member will do something stupid in order to make prophecy come alive.
From Exit and Support:
Flurry's "Prophecy" Might Shake Certain Members' Faith in Him:
August 2, 2019
If GF's "prophecy" in January 2017 [See January 14, 2017 PCG Letter] about President Trump fails, it might shake certain members' faith in GF. He has "prophesied" that Trump will be re-elected and will force the members of the PCG to be deported to Jerusalem, and will also be assassinated in his second term. --T. H.Of course, we know it isn't going to happen. It is just the diseased mind of Gerald Flurry dreaming up another lie like he is prone to do. As his mental facilities deteriorate due to his alcoholism, his heart problems and advancing age, his mind begins dreaming up more and more idiotic scenarios, much like what Bwana Bob Thiel is doing.
Flurry is too stupid to realize that Israel would NOT accept a bunch of religious nuts from the United States into their country. They prohibited Armstrongite David Ben-Ariel from entering the country as a single man, so they sure as hell would not let in a few thousand religious fanatics just because they restored a park in Jerusalem.
If we each had a dime every time a Church of God leader makes a false prophecy, we would all be multi-millionaires by now. And yet, there are still gullible people who listen to these liars and send them their money.