We have seen Elijahs come and go in Armstrongism, with several small sad little men in the Church of God who proclaim they are such a person to this very day. But there is one Elijah who stands above the rest. One man whom God has chosen to be the final witness to the world. Lest you think I am talking about the three latest self-appointed upstarts, Bob Thiel, James Malm, and Ron Weinland, you are sadly mistaken. There is a greater man than all of these combined!
Behold the TRUE Elijah!
Michael Noordhoek, aka. Zerubbabel
Get on your knees and beg him forgiveness for not believing in him!
REALITY is our Maker has continued to shorten the days of Him pouring out His hot indignation upon the scattered descendants of Israel by afflicting His 2nd Son of His Holy Anointing Oil in your stead.
REALITY is the Elohiym of Abraham, Isaac and Israel has sent His end time Elijah to you in a manner that it is IMPOSSIBLE to NOT BELIEVE that He has sent me UNLESS; 1) You do not really “BELIEVE” His word and/or 2) you have failed to fear Him enough to look at all of the evidence that He has given to us in the testimony of His word in order to testify to “THE REALITY” that He has sent me to set you free from the captivity of mystery babylon.
REALITY is that which you have deemed to be failed prophecy has merely been YEHWEH my Elohiym “SHORTENING THE DAYS.”
REALITY is the Almighty, the Self-Existing ONE that inhabits eternity is NOT going to “SHORTEN THE DAYS” forever.
REALITY is “ONE THAT BELIEVES” His word “BELIEVES” that 3 ½ days from tonight (6/26) at 7:34 p.m. (Arizona time) will bring forth “THE END OF THE MOST HIGH SHORTENING THE DAYS.”
3 ½ days from tonight at 7:34 p.m. will be 7:34 a.m. on 6/30 on His servant satan’s calendar.
REALITY is this warning is YET AGAIN fall upon “UTTERLY DEAF” ears.
You are SOON going to “WAKE UP TO REALITY!!!”
SOBER UP or else die in your bitterly obstinate drunken stupor!!!
You have rejected our Maker’s warnings and we have now come to the time that He is going to cease from shortening the days.
You have two choices that you can choose from when He causes you to drink from this cup that you have brought upon yourselves;
1) You can be humble before His faces and acknowledge your rebellion to Him and turn back to Him through that which He has restored and come and drink of His living waters.
2)You can choose to die in your rebellion to Him.
The choice is yours to make, CHOOSE LIFE so that you and your seed can live unto eternity!!!
Or else drink up and die in your bitterly obstinate drunken stupor!!!
This disgusting piece of human garbage is Michael Noordhoek, aka. Zerubbabel. A former Church of God member who has degenerated into a worthless mess of lies and deception just like Bob Thiel and James Malm are currently sinking into.
A self-serving man who stopped working and expects his few followers to fund him. His wife and daughter live in an abject state of poverty in a one-room shack. He also claimed he was going to father a holy child with his daughter.
Just more proof on what Armstrongims does to the mind of so many its followers.