The Kitchen clan has the above video on their web site. It sounds like Herman Hoeh, running off at the mouth, as usual. He makes the statement, which was said way before the current explosion of splinter groups, that the reason groups imitated the Worldwide Church of God and what it taught was because it "sells". It brings in money. Notice the focus is entirely on money.
Not Jesus, but money.
Every single one of the 400+ splinter groups would not be in existence today unless they were still trying to sell Herbert Armstrong's teachings. Even the apostates like Weinland, Pack and Thiel cannot stop talking about Herbert Armstrong. From the larger personality cults to the insignificant little groups ensconced in Utah and Arizona, they all still trying to sell HWA in 2019. Their business model is failing because they are still living in the 1960-1980s.
It is still about the money even in 2019. It is about ensuring a steady income for the ministers and for retirement programs for the upper elite. That is why every one of the larger splinter groups started, to ensure they still got paid. It was never about any gospel message, the Kingdom of God or even Jesus.
It was about money.
The true god of the Churches of God.