Gerald Flurry's declining health due to heart problems and other health issues is causing Flurry to being Lil"Stevie, the heir apparent and top "evangelist" of the Philadelphia Church of God, home from his escapades in England. Lil "Stevie hightailed it to England once they bought Edstone House in order to start another mini-me college dedicated to Herb Armstrong.
Wayne Turgeon, one of the more despised men in PCG is heading off to monitor the campus in England while Lil'Stevie performs his duties. Students should be prepared for the heavy arm of legalism to come pounding down on them before too long.
After the recent epic failure of Flurry traveling Israel where even he did not know why he was there, and the drop in income that PCG is suffering under, Lil'Steveie will be assuming the public face of the personal appearance campaigns.
With the boondoggle personal jet and the millions being dumped on coconuts in Armstrong Auditorium, PCG is struggle to stay afoot. Lil Stevie is being looked at to inspire members to give more and to lead the public into joining as co-workers or to become members where their tithe money will quickly be sucked out of them.
It remains to be seen which direction the Philadelphia Church of God will go when Gerald dies.
Wayne Turgeon, one of the more despised men in PCG is heading off to monitor the campus in England while Lil'Stevie performs his duties. Students should be prepared for the heavy arm of legalism to come pounding down on them before too long.
After the recent epic failure of Flurry traveling Israel where even he did not know why he was there, and the drop in income that PCG is suffering under, Lil'Steveie will be assuming the public face of the personal appearance campaigns.
With the boondoggle personal jet and the millions being dumped on coconuts in Armstrong Auditorium, PCG is struggle to stay afoot. Lil Stevie is being looked at to inspire members to give more and to lead the public into joining as co-workers or to become members where their tithe money will quickly be sucked out of them.
It remains to be seen which direction the Philadelphia Church of God will go when Gerald dies.