E. W. King writes:
Official Starting Point of the Laodicean EraJesus promised the 6th church that He [Jesus Christ] “opened a door which no man can shut”. [Revelation 3:8]. So the door to the true Philadelphian church shall be open all the way into and through the Great Tribulation. What all of the offshoot groups have ignored is this very fact! This means that the NAME OF THIS CHURCH [WCG] CANNOT BE CHANGED!Now we have studied the fact that during the sixth church era, the Philadelphian, God chose an apostle to direct this organization. We must understand that this true restored church government cannot be changed! During the Philadelphian era God called His church, “The Worldwide Church of God” and promised that this very church would go right into and through the 7th church time, that of Laodicea.As many of you who have studied now know, we began entering the typical Laodicean era right before the death of Mr. H.W.Armstrong because of the apostasy of his son. Then, the Laodicean era became even more pronounced after the death of Mr. Armstrong. We officially entered the Typical Laodicean era, the seventh church time (era or epoch) on October 7th 2011 due to the “resurrection” of WCG and the revealing of the Hidden Doctrine of Mr. H.W.Armstrong.After a short period of spiritual darkness [1986-2011], truth seeking men and women are returning to the true Church of God. They have recognized that many of the doctrines being taught by the offshoot and splinter groups have been distorted and mistaught. They are now seeking greater light and have found it in God’s remnant church, the true Worldwide Church of God.
Eat your heart out Joshua C Pack! You are just another irrelevant splinter cult now. King runs the one true church where all true COG members are flocking to.
COGSR is the last true remaining ministry of the original Worldwide Church of God. This is the last true ministry of the original Worldwide Church of God. This ministry came forth and has appeared in this present epoch of time, the Typical Laodicean Era, through one of God’s EpochPorter messengers.This ministry was officially founded on October 7th of 2011. Since the public appearance of this Last Day ministry many have come to the pure understanding of the true Gospel of the Kingdom. Only at this online location can one receive pure Crystal Clear teachings of True Christianity.