- Every life in my congregation is precious and dear to God.
- Every counsel that I give can impact a life permanently.
- My advice can alter the course of history for the life of the member and the lives of generations to come.
- I take personal responsibility for every word that I say in God's name.
- I have a responsibility to exhort, encourage, and uplift my congregation.
- I have the responsibility to take every interaction in equal importance, big or small.
- I must do nothing that negatively impacts a Believer's relationship with God, their family, and the Church.
- I must respect a Believer's personal relationship between them and God
- I am not an overlord. I am a servant, a helper, a mentor, and a friend.
- I am a guardian. I must protect the Church and it's members from abuse and harm, inside and out of the Church.
- I must avoid greed and the love of money in all its forms as a minister of Jesus Christ.
- I must flee from immorality and live a life dedicated to helping and serving the Church without distraction.
- I must preach on things that will make an impact and help the specific needs of my Congregation.
- I must center and focus on Jesus Christ in every interaction and in every message of my Pastorate.
- In every interaction I must act in love towards all I serve.
- If I must correct and counsel, I will do so in Godly love, kindness, and most of all, in prayer and respect.
- I will respect a member's personal life in regards to family, job, talents, and personal life in the Lord.
- I will resign from the ministry if my personal life impacts the health and spiritual welfare of the Church.
- I will counsel with the Church's leadership and devout members of the Church always and in prayer.
- I recognize I am a servant, not an overlord. I am a helper, not a commander. I am a guide, not a sheriff.
- I will keep my sermons on point, on message, and completed in a reasonable time.
- I will take seriously the impact I have on every life at every time in the position of service that I am in.
- I will never use the funds of the Church for self-centered, greed-oriented, personally-benefiting reasons.
- I will never ask for, demand, guilt, or coerce members for funds or for money in God's name or otherwise, especially Low Income members who would be harmed financially and spiritually.
submitted by SHT