Gerald Weston has written a missive about how the Living Church of God members are to view others in various splinter personality cults of Armstrongism. LCG members wonder why the LCG does not speak out about abusive splinter cults that damage members lives, like Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel and Dave Pack, but also wonder why, if everyone is doing a "work," then why can't they be called brothers?
Following the mid-1990s breakup of the Worldwide Church of God, hundreds of Sabbath-keeping groups formed. A handful are significant in terms of numbers and the work they do, but most of these “hundreds” are family or local groups, virtually unknown outside their areas. Groups formed around ordained and un-ordained leaders, usually involving some doctrinal difference. Some have declared themselves prophets or apostles and have convinced people to follow them. The Internet has made it possible for a few of these groups to attract scattered individuals to their doctrines.
Many are confused by this scattering of former members, and wonder what we should think about these many groups. On this subject, there are generally two camps. One looks to Ephesians 4:4, which tells us, “There is one body and one Spirit…,” and says that people in multiple organizations can’t be a part of one spiritual body. The other looks to passages showing that the first-century Church of God was not always as unified as it ought to have been—but was still the Church of God. “Now I say this, that each of you says, ‘I am of Paul,’ or ‘I am of Apollos,’ or ‘I am of Cephas,’ or ‘I am of Christ.’ Is Christ divided?” (1 Corinthians 1:12–13). Which view is right? Is either view correct? Perhaps each is partially, but not wholly, correct.Apparently it is not a concern for LCG to speak out about the lairs and various false prophets now populating the Armstrong Churches of God. It is not LCG's concern that members commit suicide because of aberrant doctrines of other ACOG leaders or that families are ripped apart or financially ruined. Weston says that God will correct it in the end, so why worry today.
When we see others doing a work similar to what we are doing, we need not be concerned. We must know why we, as individuals, choose to be where we are, but it is unwise for us to compare ourselves with others. God is the judge. All of us, leaders and members, must one day answer to Him for the decisions we make in this life.At least Weston calls Bob Thiel a fool and a hypocrite! Envy has always been the prime motivator in Bwana Bob's deluded self-appointment.
Some today no doubt “preach Christ even from envy and strife” and from “selfish ambition.” Others do so sincerely “from goodwill.” Yes, we need to base our decisions on biblical facts, comparing such things as doctrines, governance, and focus. That we must do. We cannot compromise truth for the sake of a false unity. But neither should we be in the business of judging the motives of others. It is true that the motives of some are so transparent that only a fool would be so blind as not to notice, and Jesus, after all, did call some of the religious leaders hypocrites (Matthew 23). However, our responsibility is to leave alone those who are not with us and to focus on the Work He set before us. As Paul advised the disunited Corinthians, “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God” (1 Corinthians 4:5).He ends his missive with this:
We are coming up on the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. This is a time for introspection. The breakup of the Worldwide Church of God was something few, if any, of us foresaw, and it created a lot of distrust and confusion. We will someday look back and understand a greater picture than we currently can see, but here is one thing we should all be able to agree upon: There has been far too much judging of others and other groups, in all the groups. That is not the mind of Christ!Since when has the Armstrongite Churches of God ever put on the "mind of Christ?" They cannot even talk about the dude and anything he accomplished but rather prostrate themselves at the feet of the law and church government which has become their god. They should be reveling in Galatians, Roman and Ephesians this item of year instead of looking at Exodus. The mind of Christ has been unattainable for them all for 80 some years now.
See complete article here: How Do We View Others?