The following comment came through on the "United Church of God: Trouble in Paradise With Mar..." entry:
Dennis. I am sending this message as anonymous as my name really doesn't matter. Reading your article on the nature of God according to Mickelson with the United church of God. My first thought was what an enraged person you must be to write some much about this. And in some places with red ink. Do you ever attack the catholic faith? about doctrinal innacurices.First of all, Dennis did not write this, I did, along with a person from UCG who sent me the information. Little do you realize that neither Dennis, myself or many others here have any "rage" that is eating us away. Seriously, how can we have rage when the current state of the Church of God is nothing more than a comedy routine with all of its idiotic false prophets, Old Covenant law pushing Pharisees and absurd proof-texting that goes on. Hardly a day goes by without some idiot in a COG splinter group who says or does something incredibly stupid. While it is sad to see the people deceived by the deception they continue to dish out, it is truly laughable at times!
As for the "red ink", it is plainly obvious that the "red" is the Bible scripture extension that is used on this blog to open up a translation of the specific scripture. If you want to get pissed at that then take that up with the writers of the Bible and the app designers.
This blog is about Armstrongism and its various splinter groups and NOT the Catholic Church or Protestant churches. There are plenty, and I mean PLENTY of sites that take up the issues with Catholicism and is shameful past and its current issues. Please go to one of them and complaining to them why they do not speak out against the Tkach's or anyone who abandoned your church. I am sure they will be happy to accommodate you....NOT!
The former WWCG went under because Tkatch senior did away with Gods commandments. Christ said if we really loved him we would keep them. John 14:15.also John 6:21 takes the point much further.I guest he didn't read it. As for you Dennis and anyone reading this, my self included be careful about what the commandments say about bearing false witness or giving false testimony found in exodus 20 and deuteronomy 5..think about it Dennis. As a friend in christ loose some of road rage.The church went "under" because of the self-righteous self-anointed men who decided they knew best and took thousands of church members along with them to set up little empires of legalistic hellholes. Do you honestly think GOD was behind Meredith, Flurry, Pack, Weinland, Thiel's, Malm's, and most of the other groups? Your very own leaders in UCG plotted and schemed while still on WCG payroll to set up their income streaming splinter church because they knew they would soon be losing their jobs. It wasn't about doctrine, it was about keeping their income coming in! These snakes, while planning this, were also disfellowshipping people right and left who did not agree with the changes. UCG is just as spiritually sick as Dave Pack's, Gerald Flurry's, Bob Thiel's and James Malm's cults. It certainly is NOT better than they are!
So, accusing us of rage is not bearing "false witness"? What about the various liar's occupying positions of authority in various splinter groups of Armstrongism? Are they all telling the truth or are they lying? I don't see you or any other COG leader calling out the liars running various splinter personality cults of the COG. Why are you not speaking out against the devious perverts like Pack, Malm, Theil, Weinland, Flurry and many of your own top leaders in UCG that are corrupt?
Think about it Anonymous...lose some of the road rage! Anyway, I'm off to Stone Brewery for a cold one and to meet up with former COGgers as we laugh about the current idiocy of the church. Cheers!