The Supreme High Command of the United Church of God has laid down the law that church areas are NOT to deviate from the six APPROVED worship format styles for UCG services. Way to go boys! God forbid if anyone tried to do something new and refreshing since your canned sermons are the same thing everyone has heard for over 40 some years now. And they wonder why no one wants to listen to their message! After all, UCG is more concerned about its boring "substance" than it is in making a worship experience meaningful or actually following Jesus.
Review of Strategic Plan and Operation Plan—Peter EddingtonPeter Eddington led the discussion to review the updated Strategic Plan and Operation Plan. The Council reviewed all areas of the strategic plan and operation plan. There were various edits that were suggested throughout the document.Approved church formats were brought up in the discussion. There are six approved formats that may be used. Chairman Ward mentioned that we have to be careful to not try to change our church format to try and keep people in the church. Some church areas have tried other formats besides those approved. It was suggested that the current formats would be reviewed and pastors would be reminded of those approved formats by MMS.Rex Sexton said there may be an occasional different format, but agreed with Dr. Ward and read Galatians:1:10, warning that we are not to be seeking to please men. We are to be seeking to please God in our services and that should be our focus.Len Martin mentioned the unity through the years of going to other congregations and knowing the same format is done wherever you go. The importance of substance over form should be considered.