It is another fun-filled weekend in Arroyo Grande, home of the improperly named "continuing church of god" and its Chief Overseer and Grand Bawana, Bob Thiel. He just released his latest information-overload video sermon for this most sacred of Sabbath days. Does he honestly think any of his African followers care one bit about the majority of these topics? Instead of sticking to a single point and preaching a well-researched sermon of 20 minutes, he has to spend over an hour and twenty minutes discussing the following topics:
Is studying acting acceptable for Christians?Will animals, like wolves and lions, remain carnivores?Does Ezekiel 13 warn against false prophets?Should you be baptized for the dead?What are Bible marginal references?Should you follow people like Edgar Cayce?How do you calculate a tithe?What is second tithe?What is third tithe?What is the ‘tithe of the tithe’?When do you start a third tithe year?Did Adam first marry Lilith?What are the fasts of Zechariah 8:19?How is God jealous in Exodus 20:5?Can women hold outside jobs?What is kosher?Would Jesus vote?Should Christians vote?Dr. Thiel goes through scriptures, facts, COG documents, and historical information to provide answers.