Another Year is upon us. We are now entering the year 2019. In the COG Sphere, 2019 is:
45 Years after the opening of Ambassador Auditorium.
44 Years after the Great Disappointment of 1975.
33 Years after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong.
25 Years after the "Changes" of December 1994.
11 Years after the Failed 2008 Prophecies of Ron Weinland.
6 Years after the Failed 2013 Prophecies of David Pack.
It's time for this year's "Predictions by SHT" of what 2019 may bring in the COG Universe.
Prediction #1: Another Big Failure for Ronald Weinland
Another Pentecost Return of Jesus Christ will fail - but only few will notice. That is, those few who still follow the man, and those of us aware of his ongoing incorrect predictions. This particular attempt at predicting the "Return" will again enter another prediction into the False Prophet Hall of Fame.
I predict he will reset the timeline again, will attempt to explain himself away, reveal some nugget of "new truth", refuse to repent, refuse to apologize, and continue to dupe the few believers in his version of Armstrongism that are left.
I also predict that his core group will shrink, but will probably remain intact - just a shattered remnant of what once was. Any attempt of future growth will be permanently stifled by the revelations of his criminal history to any new prospective members.
Prediction #2: More Shining Light Absurdities
I predict James Malm will double down in his legalistic interpretations of the Law, and, in 2019, will become even more aggressive in his "warning ministry". However, I also predict that his interpretations will become more obviously absurd than 2018. I predict he will attempt to begin a video "telecast" of some sorts, certainly with some sort of grand introduction, followed by a "Home Video" format video sermon of some sort. I predict he will continue to blast his "competition" as incorrect in many ways.
Prediction #3: Continuing Nonsense
I predict the ministry of Bob Thiel, AKA "Continuing Church of God", will attempt to "expand" more into Africa, where it's core group of "converts" are, and may approach 5,000 African members. I predict only a handful of these may even care or listen to Bob, or find any relevance in his messages. I predict his USA base will shrink slightly.
I predict he will continue without change in his ministry styles, including well-known props and mannerisms. I predict he will continue to use his "animations" to proclaim his version of a "gospel" and will seek even more alternative methods to "reach" the "lost". I predict that he will have his annual Superbowl Football Bashing Post in January.
I predict his ministry shall remain small and irrelevant to the main world scene. I predict he will not gain any following or noticing glances from any large world authority or government or broadcast, nor will any attempts be made to "silence" his ministry, because most will continue to not care. There are thousands upon thousands of other "prophets" and "ministers" out there with far more relevance for their attention than Bob.
Prediction #4: LCG Shrinkage
I predict LCG will shrink slightly in both income and members, as overall morale continues to decline and membership age increases. I predict there will be no merger with any other group such as COGWA in 2019. I predict that internal drama will also increase in 2019. There will be no substantial growth in LCG in 2019, I predict. Other than that, things will probably remain nearly the same as this year, with little power, little enthusiasm, and a general ho-hum attitude.
Prediction #5: UCG Stays The Same
I predict UCG will stay just about the same in 2019. Because of their acceptance of most mindframes, controversies will probably be minimal, with membership and income about even. No news here.
Prediction #6: The Scattered Church Continues their Feuds
I predict the Scattered Church will continue their feuds throughout 2019. No COG in the Scattered Church will break through with phenomenal growth or a charismatic leader. They will continue to merchandise the brethren, engage in materialistic disputes, and meet in small rooms or hotel conference rooms.
Prediction #7: More Scandals for PCG
I predict scandals and horror stories will continue to leak from PCG.
What do you think 2019 holds for the COG Universe? Do you agree or disagree? Comment below.
submitted by SHT
submitted by SHT