LCG Theme for the family weekend – trials are good – the longer you are in the church, the longer the trials!
Instead of an uplifting Bible Study, LCG starts off with more of a sermon with the theme of trials are good, the longer you are in LCG, the longer your trials will last – maybe they will never end until you are dead.
Have a heart LCG – you have families coming in looking forward to an uplifting joyful weekend of activities, of meeting and making new friends – the children and teens especially. This theme is a killjoy.
Instead of a kick off Bible Study showing how God loves His people getting together and rejoicing, you hit them with a gloom and doom sermon.
Ecclesiastes says there is a time and place for everything – this was not the time and place.
Jesus (remember Him?) started off His ministry at a wedding feast and turned the water into wine. Jesus knew how to celebrate and have a good time, and make people happy at a joyous occasion.
The problem with being a prophecy first church is you are always seeing the bad behind every event.
Lighten up – church services can be fun and inspirational.
submitted by TLA