There may be some here on Banned who know Karen Fuessel Diehl, the mom of my two boys, Jeff and Chris Diehl. I just returned from time with the boys, grandkids and Karen in South Carolina. Karen has been diagnosed with 4th Stage Glioblastoma. She currently is having difficulty with expressing herself with the correct words etc and cannot write or read words. All symptomatic of this type of brain cancer. Karen and I spent some quality time talking on this recent visit. She is undergoing daily chemo and radiation treatments for the next six weeks. She is woman of great personal faith and has as good an attitude as one can have in such a situation.
If you wish to keep updated , please feel free to email me at . Karen is unable to talk on the phone or read cards and respond at this time.
Sincere thanks to all who have been so kind to date. She deserves all the love and consideration due her for her life well lived in her faith. Thank you Gary for this venue to inform those who may know and love her but would not know of her situation without my access to this site.