"This is the biggest problem at college. Despite lecture after lecture, sermon
after sermon and forum after forum, students will still tend to get involved. ~
Any violation of the dating rules should immediately be reported. Don't assume
"there's nothing in it" when you see two students constantly together. Keep your
eyes open. An incident reported might prevent a couple from being expelled. Watch
the students in the Common Room that's where a lot of couples like to get together.
In addition, realize that you have to set the EXAMPLE. Some have
made a big mistake by forgetting that so many scriptures apply to this, but
perhaps the best one for you to consider is Matthew 6:33 -- "But seek ye first the
Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Do not start your romance too soon. The Feast of Tabernacles is too soon!
Do not become impatient with God! Wait until the second semester -- set the
example. Remember your second semester is not an all-inclusive license to do
whatever your lusts dictate. After embroiling himself in just such a mess, one
student thought back on it and concocted a home-made proverb. It can help you
and all second semester Seniors. "It's better for a second semester Senior to
exist on baby food a little bit too long than to take a bite of delicious, succulent,
tasty, but forbidden meat that he'll have to vomit back up."
Ask Mr. McNair to talk to all the Seniors at the beginning of the second
semester 1970 Remind him of last year's fiasco and ask him to read this. He
expressed the wish to do this so it is up to you to remind him. DO NOT FORGET!"
Greg Albrecht on dating rules in 1969.courtesy of SHT
It should be noted that I imagine Greg would cringe at this malarkey today.