There's no better compilation of what we believed then right here.
- Notice the Herbert Armstrong Advertising Capital Letters!
- Housewives and Teenagers armed with Picks and Shovels Plant Forests!
- Egypt is Still Egypt But the US Shall Now be Called Manasseh!
- A Millennial SUPERHIGHWAY!
- The Bible Rewritten, Error Edited Out!
- Jerusalem Gardens Undergo Beautification Project!
- 7-Year Old Loses Bengal Tiger!
- Dancing Rattlesnakes For Sale!
- When parents evidence enough faith in Christ, there are healings!
- You Don't Say, Is That So, Is That Right, Really, You Sure, No Kidding Words Eliminated!
- The Month September STILL exists, though!
- Spirit Ruler Halts Two Young People From Making Mistake!
- The most Exciting Place to Be is on the Farm!
- Joseph is the Supreme Director of World Economy, Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce!
- Immortal Spirits convene in Jerusalem for World Rehabilitation Summit Conference
- The Term "ATLAS" rejected for being pagan!
- Owner asks his angel to notify our angel on lost tiger!
submitted by SHT