" Anonymous said...
Golly, they must be very smart and knowledgeable having all those books in the background. I might do the same by having a pic of myself in a library, a real big library.'
The picture was taken in the Portland Public Library, where Ialso happen to live and where Herbert Armstrong did his "six months of intensive study" leading to the WCG. That was the original point. I found the most likely spot in the theology section where HWA may have sat in perhaps the same setting. I found "Mystery of the Ages" on the shelf behind me and held it upside down to make a point on it being more of a mystery than we thought.
The glasses are untypically down and in the mode of "well now, what have we here" as I hold the book. I don't really wear my glasses like that nor have the attitude you falsely and ignorantly assign to it. I'll tell the Portland Library Librarian you thought all the books on the shelf were a nice intellectual touch. I tried hard to find a location in the library that had books where I could look exceptionally very smart and intellectual. Portland library is a really big one so come on down and you can have your picture taken in the children's section.
The glasses are untypically down and in the mode of "well now, what have we here" as I hold the book. I don't really wear my glasses like that nor have the attitude you falsely and ignorantly assign to it. I'll tell the Portland Library Librarian you thought all the books on the shelf were a nice intellectual touch. I tried hard to find a location in the library that had books where I could look exceptionally very smart and intellectual. Portland library is a really big one so come on down and you can have your picture taken in the children's section.