Ron Weinland has always envisioned himself as God's greatest mouthpiece since Herbert Armstrong died. His role as a prophet has changed some since he made his epic failure in 2008. He makes an excuse that he was "resisting" being a prophet. Check out his convoluted reasoning below:
The Bible actually speaks of two different kinds of prophets in the sense of how God works with them and works through them. One is (as I have mentioned many times) stated in the book on the back page, back cover, about what a prophet is, in the sense of what I was at that time, what I could say to that point in time, because I couldn't say more because I was resisting, frankly. Yet that is the definition of a prophet, one who is able to be given inspired understanding or speaking to give those things that are a matter of prophecy, but not a matter of God giving them specific prophetic things in the future. There's a difference. So you'll find that throughout scripture, that God has used prophets in different ways, especially in the beginning of the Church. They weren't for writing things for the future, they were a matter of things with inspired speaking, inspired understanding of things of prophecy. So again:
A prophet’s job (function) is not like that of an apostle. A prophet simply writes or speaks what God has given him and he does not expound or elaborate on it; however, an apostle does teach and expound on “present truth,” doctrine, and prophecy to the Church.