A reader writes:
Humberto has left a new comment on your post "LCG: Rod McNair-Brethren, Are You A Person of Inte...":
The only thing that has turned on is your own envy towards a religious group that does not defend itself from your attacks, you attack in a cowardly way, hidden behind a website, you are lax, lukewarm in your ideas and you let yourself be carried away by your own root of bitterness.
The ministers have the duty to instruct, correct and discipline the people, they will give an account of the flock and God does not want anyone to be lost. Did Jesus reprimand Peter? Did God reprimand Moses? Was Jesus dictatorial with temple merchants? Was God with Sodom dictatorial? Or do you want something like Tkach? You want anarchy where nobody govern anyone? ... That's Laodicea, that's the kind of blog that you have ... and of course you're not going to publish this, because you're a coward.
Finally, is this your work? .. to put in people false ideas to discredit a group that does not hurt you?