Dave says that in 2 weeks he will make a specific announcement as to the year and exact day that all the COG's will be reunified under him. However, Dave wants you to know he is NOT a prophet and did not dream this up. God has spoken directly to him.
All of the items in this announcement have caused many to wonder, “When will this take place?” At least a few have thought that I am “toying with people” by not explaining when this will happen. For a while, the “when” was not as important as were the subjects that prepare brethren for the “when.” That thousands will come and many others will not needed to be explained—and there is much more yet to explain in this regard. This said, a clue to answering this question comes from the meaning of Haggai. Recall this word means “My [God’s] Feast.” For now, regarding timing, understand that everything covered in Haggai is in a Feast of Tabernacles context.
In two weeks—after one more important set up announcement—I will announce the year and very day that this reunification will happen. But I am not a prophet! Understand. I have NO AUTHORITY to make my own proclamations about anything regarding prophecy. It is GOD Who reveals and interprets prophecies—and then brings them to pass. My job is to explain what He reveals FROM HIS WORD. No visions, dreams, and “revelations from God” have occurred. Whether you believe God’s Word will be your choice. More is at stake than you realize. Be sure to read next week’s announcement.