Wade envisions himself as the greatest Church of God leader on par with the other greatest COG leader, Bob Thiel. They both are competing to influence as many African former members of the Worldwide Church of God as they can. Cox claims to have converted 50% or more of the African continent into Sabbatarianism. Now that Bob Thiel is stealing some of his members, will we soon see a bloody fight for COG supremacy in Africa? The Dreamy COG fighting with the Mohammedan COG, what a cockfight that will be!
As crazy as all of that is, there is this:
Cox is encouraging his minions to save as much 2nd tithe as possible in order to travel to Queensland, Australia this coming fall for the Feast of Tabernacle where the "witnesses" will read the law to the already enslaved legalists who worship the law while ignoring Jesus. One would think, that since they are at the Feast, which is supposed to be a foretaste of the Kingdom of God, where grace, mercy, justification, peace and divine love reign supreme with Christ in charge, but no. It is better to keep the enslaved beaten down and believing that they must have rules and regulations ruining their lives instead of being at rest in the one who came to give them rest from the endless and fruitless task of following all of the rules.
Can you imagine spending thousands of dollars in 2nd tithe to travel to Queensland and have to sit and listen to Cox and another witless witness read the Deuteronomic law? The hot licking sulfuric flames of hell sound more delightful.