...... Give the ultimate Feast Gift to your Pastor, your Church or if you feel God is calling you to start your own, to YOURSELF!
Prayer Rock? Pfffftttt...
We only ask you have a personality worthy of an Erratic Prayer Rock
Our Showroom
All Prayer Rocks are guaranteed to be made and delivered in exactly the same way HWA's genuine , they say, Prayer Rock was to the Willamette Valley
Just big enough for you and your family.
Comes with a shade tree and vineyard
One of our best designs. You can pray standing up with this unique contour.
Also comes with a vineyard
One of our best Willamette editions.
Nicely angular and accommodates up to three more Elders or 9 Deacons (in addition to yourself of course)
This Puppy is BIG! Set in a lonely setting where no one is going to wonder what you are doing. Accommodates 12
Seeking Solitude with a view? We recommend you pray on the upside of this beauty overlooking the Columbia Gorge
Seeking to be seen of men? This one's for YOU!
Easy access along the highway. You can't be missed. Or go around back where only you can be seen in secret but rewarded openly.
Sorry...this one is sold and in use
Convenient yet private along the Vineyard Trail with an inspiring view
Whoa...Stairs! We call her "Jacob's Ladder". This baby won't last long.
"Old Tipsy" is a classic!
Not for the Faithless!
It takes Faith to pray under this puppy!
A mere Prayer Rock not good enough?
We have ONE Prayer Fortress with a path and outstanding view.
Made in Canada and delivered in ice
Our Sale Special
We'll clean it up for you and your entire congregation. Easy access and comes with a lovely and firm stand
NICE! Fit for HQ if I ever saw one!
Buy TWO get this baby FREE!
All of these magnificent Prayer Rocks are made in Canada and Montana. These samples were Special delivery to our show rooms packed in ice 15,000 years ago give or take. No deliveries and suggest you pilgrimage to the Prayer Rock in-situ.
No Refunds
First,Second and Third Tithes Accepted
Price upon request
You work it out with the State
And PLEASE...BE AN ERRATIC PERSONALTY or they don't work.