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The book of Revelation…Daniel is unsealed at the time of the end. We actually started unsealing the book over a year before that, 13 months before that. So one of the things I always wondered about…Wait a minute now, Daniel 12:9 and 10 show the book is unsealed, immediately there’s the fire. How many times you heard me say that over and over…there appears to be no gap. Now I understand there is no gap. As a matter of fact, before we finished…because we’re not quite done, even yet…before we finished the unsealing of Daniel, God began to test us.When you announce this monster’s coming, we’re going to look like lunatics. Nobody believes that! Even the people who believe there’s an Antichrist at all. They’re going to mock and scorn, and it’s going to get hot. And as we throw fuel on the fire and the flames get bigger, you’re going to feel the heat before anybody else does. But the big flames come later, after we don’t feel any more heat at all because we escape. That’s the way it works. You can’t possibly announce this monster, at any powerful level, without taking heat! You know the term: You’re going to “take heat” for that. Well, it’s going to be literal heat in a way. Now, I know it’s figurative heat; it won’t feel like the temperature went up outside. So I would leave you to understand that.Turn over to Luke 12. Luke chapter 12…and we’ll pick it up in verse 32. Finally, I understand this, Luke 12:32: “Fear not little flock….” Now, Christ tells…speaks generally to all his servants…don’t be terrified and don’t be troubled, but here it’s phobeō—don’t fear little flock. How many times have you heard me…The ministers must have almost gotten bored, if you will, at how many times that…there’s something there. Is it just wars, rumors and commotions? Maybe. Maybe. But what else? Just actual fear: “…little flock…[it’s] your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” and then three things are said, in context.Of all the things Christians are to do, it says, first, in two long verses actually: “…Sell that you have, and give alms…[Now, I’m going to be a little stronger about this.]…provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that fails not, where no thief approaches…[There’s a thief coming! How many thieves do we need to read about in the Bible? There aren’t that many!]…neither moth corrupt. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (vs. 33-34)……There are four things: Fear not; sell all; keep your loins girded, and your lights burning. And the “early birds” do this first. I’m going to show you that everyone who comes back into the flock, into the sanctuary, has got to do this as well, but in a different context. So you’ve got to do it, the question is: How hot do you want it to get?! How many phases of the fire do you want to go before you have to do it? Because you can’t be saved—what must I do to inherit eternal life? Matthew 19. You’ve got to do that. Some of you have already done it.
I just want to take a moment here, because we’ll just dwell on this. I normally don’t. I give it a “lick and a promise,” a sentence here, a sentence there, but I truly fear…I truly fear for those who don’t sell all that they have. You can’t play games! And now you know it isn’t, you can sort of play games—you’re going to be forced to make a decision—I will…or I will not…obey that command found all the way through the New Testament and sent out in articles. That’s the fuel for the fire.
You can begin to understand, if people begin to delay, God might, for a little while, hesitate because not enough fuel hit the fire, or maybe they’re not, for some other reasons, ready. And it may hesitate, not of what God decides, but on what we do, what we decide. So “if it hesitate” makes perfect sense. It depends on what we’re going to do. I could never get comfortable…What would God do to hesitate? Is the world not ready or something? What?
If we’re announcing it and we’ve been announcing it, and picking up speed, and we’re about to juice it—tomorrow—and I’m telling you today, which is a day before for you and six days later for others…We’re going to start to turn it up, to the ability that we can.