Now look at Revelation 22 and verse 6. At the end of the book, and this is what you’re stuck with…Brethren of God, around the world, I fear God. We are before His Word, and Isaiah 66: 2 says we had better tremble. God looks to people that are poor and of a contrite spirit, and tremble at His Word. I tremble to add or subtract from a book that says I get it…I get the plagues or I lose eternal life, if I add to it, particularly, I guess you’d add, if you needed to, and He said these sayings are faithful and true. But there has to be a way they’re true.
God would have to send a final, analytical servant. That’s yours truly, the son of Jane Crowl Pack. If you were my mother’s son, you are not allowed to dis-analyze or ignore analyzing anything! My mother picked my logic to pieces from the time I could say “Mommy, please, I want to go play ball.” You see…I’m telling you. And so, I sit and analyze and analyze and analyze and it just doesn’t fit. The book just didn’t fit. I’m the same analyst I was years ago. I mean, there are qualities that all of you have that I don’t have. I envy some of you. Mr. Armstrong had qualities I don’t have.
But I am an analyst in the extreme, like no one I ever knew in this regard. I mean, I beat the Greek up and beat the Hebrew up, and timelines…and work and work and work and work at all the unexplained questions, whether we knew them or didn’t. And there has to be a way that things that were going to happen shortly…are shortly. And that’s impossible to say it’s true—and I don’t fear to say that. I do not fear to say that it’s impossible to say that things that were written 2,000 years ago are at hand.