Living Church of God has been spending a considerable amount of money on Tomorrow's World presentations in various cities. In the latest Weekly Update, Gerald Weston is bragging about the number of people attending their presentations in three cities. The city names and population estimates are below.
Binghamton, New York 45,672Charleston, West Virginia 49,138Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada 110,984LCG had a potential audience of 205,794 people who had the opportunity to come and hear the "good news" about the LCG and how once they join they will be required to pay 30% of their income in tithes, then send in another tithe on the tithe, and to regularly give special offerings and contribute to the building fund or some other emergency fund set up so the elite can do their pet projects. Ultimately, these presentations are about bringing in new money streams.
So just how many people showed up at these three presentations?
Last Sabbath we held Tomorrow’s World Presentations in Binghamton, New York; Charleston, West Virginia; and Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada; with a combined total of 57 guests and 79 members.With all of the money spent on cable broadcasting spots, advertising, magazine articles, mailings, and co-worker letters, they were only able to draw in 57 people. Of those 57, LCG claims some were former WCG members checking out LCG.
We are pleased to see a number of former Worldwide members trying to reconnect with the Church and who are checking us out. There are also a number of brand new people who express great enthusiasm when learning we actually have services nearby.Let's see how long that "great enthusiasm" lasts as these people find out how much money they will be required to give.
Next, Gerald Weston talks about the greatest University in the United States, if not the entire world, Living University. This mind boggling University now has 8 on campus students! Count them, 8! Add to that the number of online "students" and you have the most astounding university the world has ever seen! COG colleges and universities are the BEST!
Living University classes began this past week with approximately 170 online students and eight on-campus students.Gerald Weston also mentions he just finished the latest member/co-worker letters. As usual, it is all about money. Money, money, money! Can't' discuss Jesus with you, but, "give us your money!"
I finished a co-worker letter and a letter regarding the fall Holy Day offerings, which you should be receiving shortly.One of the reasons Weston is writing about money, again, is that income is not what they want it to be. As usual, the members are slacking off with their donations. It seems it was more important for families to have fun over the summer and to save some extra for the Feast vacation time that they have not been sending in as much. Without that extra money, LCG has not been able to get their "good news" out on as many stations as possible. God has been standing there holding the door open and they have not been able to enter. Sound familiar? Blame the brethren!
We have contracted for a new station in New Mexico and are looking at another one in the Tampa, Florida area. Budget limitations hold us back from doing much more.Weston then ends with at least one encouraging thing for members to consider, and it is going to be a hard one for some LCG members:
On another note, brethren, let us make sure we do not get caught up in the spirit of hatred that is descending on the United States at this time and will become more apparent all over this world in the near future. We are members of the Family of God and must never become distracted from the big picture.—Gerald Weston