Why would Jesus come to a town in Northern Ohio that is known for nothing more than its blue tip matches? Of all the places onto entire earth and he picks Wadsworth to return to. That is about as stupid as claiming JC is returning to Arroyo Grande where the true remnant has its headquarters. Since both men are lairs, why would Jesus go to either place?
We learned that Christ’s kingdom starts small. He couldn’t start it in a place where He was going to create a giant fire. He started it in the cold, gloomy north and then He’s going to relocate that tiny kingdom that has now grown to Jerusalem, so it can be a world government. I don’t know, brethren, why I read all those parables…I can’t speak for all the other ministers who are not here…I don’t know why I read all those parables, or Mr. Armstrong read them, that say the kingdom would start in a tiny, concealed way and didn’t see it for what it said.