The incomplete City on the Hill
Just as Jesus feet supposedly walked the green hills of England, Dave Pack's "jesus" will return to walk the green hills of Wadsworth, Ohio. After all, it is just likeZion! Awesome!
Let me make a summary statement, brethren. Zion is then a very long, thin city…And for the moment, think of our campus as about three-quarters of a mile long or about 4,000 feet, but only a third of a mile wide at its widest point…maybe 1,700 feet…but in places, the campus is only a third of that, maybe 6- or 700 feet. So much like Mount Zion, we are a long, thin campus that runs, let’s say, 6- or 700 feet up to 1,700 feet wide, while it is 4,000 feet long. And that’s interesting to consider, that will come up later in the sermon.