Below is a recent comment by an LCG source recently. The things said below are not new and are common in the LCG community.
"He has built one of the finest families in the entire Work of God. He sets a superb example in all these ways, and at the same time has attained a spirit of humility, sacrifice and service rather than letting any of this go to his head".
Oh brother! Now I want to puke.
I don't only think that Rod McNair isn't Christian. I'd go a step further than that. He's evil.
He will lie, cheat or steal to gain more power.
He is the epitome of a boot-licker which is why Meredith thinks he's so swell.
He is suspicious and quick to over-react.
He ALWAYS uses a sledge hammer instead of a fly swatter when it comes to disciplining members and he will do so for the flimsiest of reasons (sometimes for completely made-up reasons!).
He commands respect and thinks it's owed to him and that he is responsible to do nothing to earn it.
He refuses to admit when he is wrong.
He corners wives in an effort to get them to turn on their husbands.
He tells wives to keep journals of all their grievances against their husbands and then to share all those little secrets with him.
He keeps files on anyone he feels isn't fully submitting to LCG (not to be confused with submitting to God) or anyone who dare have an opinion or anyone who asks questions or thinks for themselves.
He is egotistical, not humble.
He's never sacrifices a thing! He was born into a COG power family and has had everything handed to him on a silver platter.
It's great that RCM thinks Rod's power hasn't gone to his head but that might be the most laughable of all the ignorant statements in that quote. I have never met a more power hungry, egotistical BULLY in all my life!
Funny thing is, even ministers in LCG can't stand him and will say so behind his back. But until RCM dies they just bite their collective tongues.
Rod McNair is a horrible human being and I wish with all my heart that I had never heard his name or had him in my life. He is an inflictor of pain and a total liar.
May God have mercy on his soul.