An amazing discovery was uncovered in 2003 when long lost relatives of Bob Thiel and Dave Pack were discovered in Indonesia. These were the original COG members who set in motion the amazing fact that after several millennia, 3,000 - 4,000 specially chosen humans out of billions would exist in the 21st century as the only chosen of God. These future kings, priests and world rulers are the end product of all human evolution. It is hard to imagine that the ultimate purpose of creation was so Thiel and Pack could be the Chosen Ones. After all, dreams have proven it all, or so we are told.
These ancient dwarfs are the precursor to the theological dwarfs of Pack and Thiel.
ANCIENT “hobbits” recently discovered in Indonesia were not an early form of modern human but an entirely different species, scientists have found.
Experts initially believed the Homo Floresiensis – or Flores man – were just a shrunken variety of early humans.
But a study by The Australian National University (ANU) found the race were most likely a different species altogether.
Researchers think they were related to a sister species of Homo habilis – one of the earliest known ancestors of modern mankind which lived in Africa 1.75 million years ago.
Read about this fascinating discovery here: SHIRE GENIUS Flores Man ‘hobbits’ found in Indonesia