Dave Pack has published a timeline of events that he claims will occur in world history over the next few years. It gets into detail about his "christ" coming for his first coming where he and the Restored Church of God members will reign supreme before he heads off to Jerusalem. Dave is so sure of himself that no Church of God minister in any of the splinter groups can ever prove him wrong. Pack's knowledge reigns supreme. There is such a gap between their lowly thinking and his elevated status as God's right hand man that they can never cross that divide.
Don’t look for one minister in any of your congregations to be aware of the first 90 points. However sincere, because they were not in the only place where they were revealed, they are incapable of critiquing them with even remotely helpful comments. This is not to speak ill of them, but rather to describe the gap between those who have heard 140 hours of careful, detailed explanation and those who have not!