A reader here writes:
I have heard the Fred Dattolos Son Michael Dattolos has recently left the church and his wife and son. I guess his own advice now is a witness against him....laodiceans policy msg given a few months ago. I guess what goes around comes around.
The perverse teachings of the Philadelphia Church of God just keep getting worse and worse. Gerald Flurry recently extended the no contact rule to all children/adults who are not part of the PCG.
Now the degenerate teachings take an even darker party. PCG members are to cut off all contact with mates and spouses who have stopped attending PCG, even if they are "pleased to dwell" with their spouse.
Fred Dattalo is a sick man like Cal Culpepper. Both of these "men" hail from Pasadena where they learned to treat the "common people" like dirt, which they regularly did while employed in accounting and the auditorium.
Just heard that Fred Dattalo from Canada made the announcement Sabbath that the No Contact ruling now extends to mates/spouses that have stopped attending. What happened to "if they're pleased to dwell with you?". One member got up and left during services! Why aren't more leaving? Maybe because people want to walk away from their families and they use Flurry as their reason! Sickening! Their love has Waxed cold and they are without natural affection!
Finally a report that one person had the wherewithal to stand up and walk out!