Poor old Dave Pack. He just cannot get over the fact that almost all in the Churches of God consider him to be crazier than hell and have no desire to come over to his side. Of course he never takes any responsibility that people might possibly think he was nuts. Instead he lays the blame on all of the mean "mockers and scoffers" that are "in all corners" including many in the COG's. He can't possibly meaning of us here, could he? Due to all of the scoffers people will not know when his "jesus" returns to Wadsworth.
“Mockers” and “scoffers” rule in all corners, including everywhere among God’s people (II Pet. 2:3; Jude 18). The result is that when there is still sufficient time to escape, most (but not all) cannot make themselves “take heed” (Lk. 21:8, 34; Mk. 13:33).