Dave Pack is now an authority on what his "jesus" supposedly looked. His "jesus" looked like god before he came down, then he looked like Mary. He could not look like Joseph since Joseph had no sperm in the divine mix. Jesus had to look like Mary...more like Mary and the Holy Spirit, but that is another discussion. That is why when Jesus came back from the dead that no one recognized him. He came back looking like his god presence and not like mother Mary.
Maybe we should turn over there and just look at one place. Luke 24 and verse 31 in Luke…in 13 to 19, they just didn’t know Who it was. They didn’t have Alzheimer’s or amnesia. They looked at Him, but they did not understand. So…how could it be…And I’m just not going to take the time. If you’re studying your Bible, you probably know the verses I’m referring to. They are people just walking and talking with Him, and didn’t recognize who He was. We ought to ask the question should we not? How could that be? How could they have spent 33-and-a-half years with Him—the disciples—intensely, every day, virtually, if not every day, much of every day besides, with Him and then not recognize Him?Well, it was a different Jesus than the one born of Mary. That Jesus had a human parent and He must have looked a lot like Mary. Christ didn’t look like Mary for thousands of years before He was born of her. He’s the Alpha and the Omega. He returned to what He looked like for eternity and what He will look like for eternity. Christ did not appear thousands of years earlier looking like a woman who was millennia away from ever being born. When He was born of Mary, He looked different. He certainly didn’t look like Joseph…and then the Father was His Father.