Good old Gerald Flurry and his crew of delusional false prophets are making claims that Satan and his demons are running rampant through the United States. A major war is going. Guess when all of this activity started? Satan and has demons had apparently been restrained by God so they could not do any of their nefarious deeds. That all came to a crashing end when Herbert Armstrong died in 1986. The very moment Herb took his last breath Satan and his demons were unleashed upon the world to wreck havoc. They've obviously been working over time in Arroyo Grande.
In America Under Attack, Mr. Flurry even identifies a SPECIFIC DATE on which Satan and his demons began to intensify their presence and activity on Earth. It occurred, for reasons you can study in detail yourself, on Jan. 16, 1986. It’s incredible, but evidence—interviews, surveys, statements from key authorities—actually shows a noticeable uptick in demonic activity since this date. The International Association of Exorcists, for example, was founded in 1990, after a noticeable rise in the need for exorcisms. One of the Catholic Church’s leading exorcists explained that from 1985 to 2000 the number of church-appointed exorcists in Italy went from 20 to 300. The Truth Behind the Rise in Demon-Influenced Activity