Leave it to Almost arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, second witness, worldwide overseer, doubly-blessed, dreamer of dreams and self appointed prophet/apostle of the best Church of God to ever exist in human history, Bob Thiel, to wallow in the cesspool of narcissism that many other COG leaders are always in. Even with all of the bloviating by Dave Pack and his superfantabulous Restored Church God, Pack cannot compare to the super amazing doubly-blessed Bob Thiel.
There has been no other Church of God in the history of the entire world that is as amazing as Bob Thiel's improperly named "continuing" Church of God.
Notice what he has said in a recap his whirlwind African conference trip:
The Continuing Church of God is, and has been, the fastest growing Church of God in the 21st century. We have greatly exceeded the 30% growth per year blessing that the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God once had...It is a well established fact that the 30% "growth" that Herb and others claimed over the decades was nothing more than a slick manipulation of data by corrupt men in Pasadena. Manipulating figures was a full time job for some in accounting. Even the Plain Truth subscription numbers were incorrect and misleading. The old newsstand accounting procedures were a complete fraud, but that is another topic.
He also made a comment that during his conference he made sure that his followers all knew why his church was different from the heretical COG splinter groups. In addition to smearing those groups with lies and false accusations, he also bad mouthed Protestants, Mormons and Catholics. Dreamy Bob feels that he is the worlds foremost authority on the Catholic Church and other religious groups. Rest assured, he is not!
I also provided doctrinal training and went over how the ContinuingChurch of God differed from various Sabbath-keeping groups such as the Seventh-day Adventists and the Church of God (Seventh Day), and various groups whose leaders were once part of the old Worldwide Church of God. We also explained some differences with Protestants, Mormons, the Eastern Orthodox, and the Catholics of Rome and answered various questions.John the Baptist Bob also ordained several of his African followers. Sadly the men believed that they were being ordained by the Worldwide Overseer who himself was ordained by hands that had been ordained by others in apostolic tradition. He has not. No ordination for Brother Bob! He is self appointed! Purely man made. God is not involved in it. That of course leaves the ordination status of all of his devotees in question.
Why is it that these little men have to always over compensate for their deficiencies? Humility and humbleness never seems to be a virtue of any Church of God leader. They always have the biggest, the best, the one with the REAL truth, or the one practicing true first century Christianity. All of them have been proven to be liars, with one failed prophecy after another. They are promoters of legalistic mumbo-jumbo that even the Pharisees would not recognize.