It really must be amazing to be God's right hand man on this earth and know everything about everything. No man on this earth (other than Bob Thiel) is able to understand the mind of God like Dave Pack. Dave just cannot face the fact that he and his group may actually be the ones being "snookered."
God would never tell the splinter brethren “Well done, you good and faithful servant.” If He did, He is lying to them, or He has lied to us about what it means to be a good and faithful servant. If He’s telling them that what they did is good and faithful, then we got snookered. If He told us the truth, He could never tell them the same thing—the difference is too vast. No, they are not Catholic, but I think you understand the point. The potential—that I could dwell on—just on what we get to do, is not the subject here, but the chasm is……