Why is it that so many of the delusional self-appointed false prophets of Armstrongism have to continually compare themselves to Hebrew scriptures prophets? Never once do these fools claim they are following in the footsteps of Paul or James or horror of horrors...Jesus!
Now one of our most delusional self-appointed false prophets has taken upon himself the mantle of Habakkuk.
Almost Arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, End time Witless Witness, and our most favorite Doubly Blessed Prophet is now comparing himself to Habakkuk Just like in the time of Habakkuk, when those people did not heed his message, the same is going on today in these most violent horrible end times as people will not heed the revelations and teachings of Bob Thiel. Woe to you sinners who do not believe! Lukewarm Laodiceans! Where is the zeal? Where is your dedication? Bob's the man! THE man! Heed him and be saved!
1 The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw.
The Prophet’s Question
2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “Violence!”And You will not save. 3 Why do You show me iniquity, And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me;There is strife, and contention arises. 4 Therefore the law is powerless, And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.
The Lord’s Reply
5 “Look among the nations and watch — Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you. 6 For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, A bitter and hasty nation Which marches through the breadth of the earth, To possess dwelling places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful; Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards,And more fierce than evening wolves. Their chargers charge ahead; Their cavalry comes from afar; They fly as the eagle that hastens to eat. 9 “They all come for violence; Their faces are set like the east wind. They gather captives like sand. 10 They scoff at kings, And princes are scorned by them. They deride every stronghold, For they heap up earthen mounds and seize it. 11 Then his mind changes, and he transgresses; He commits offense, Ascribing this power to his god.” ( Habakkuk 1:1-11)
Four guesses as to WHO is doing that end time work...Rod Meredith? Dave Pack? Gerald Flurry?Notice that the above states that the end time work will not believed by many even though God will reveal it through–which He does through His prophets, like Habakkuk.
NO Brethren! No! It is Doubly Blessed Bob Thiel!!!!!! He had a dream! That PROVES he is legit!
Here is something that was written in 1973 for the old Ambassador College by Dean Blackwell:Why do you think in Habakkuk, God said that He’d “revive His work in the midst of the years”? Would this be said if they were doing the work in all the time of the New Testament Church?You might note that in Habakkuk 3:2, he says: O Eternal, I have heard thy speech and was afraid: O Eternal, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.
He is referring to God reviving His work in the midst of man’s last century. He said that God would make known what is happening and what’s going to happen in man’slast years, in the day of His wrath. He requested that God remember mercy and hide His people in a place of safety.
The work needs to be done in the 21st century. Will you truly support it?
Whether or not Habakkuk himself died on January 15th, the reality is that since much of his message is for the appointed time of the end, his writing (that God inspired) is applicable today.