Mark Scarbourogh has been working over time, after Grace Communion International (WCG) threatened to sue him, in getting as much HWA material up as possible.
Now that Donald Trump has swept into office after a surprising upset, Scarborough and the Kitchen clan been searching high and low for words of wisdom they could sent to Trump. Lo and behold they found something. Or at least they pretend they do. They've taken a letter from HWA to Ronald Reagan and posted it directed towards Trump.
As usual, Herb started the letter off about himself. The Big Daddy of Narcissism has trained his little boys at LCG, RCG, PCG, UCG, COGWA, UCG, and CCOG very well.
Let this letter be emphasized, today, for our next president: Mr. Donald J. Trump. The following letter was written by Herbert W. Armstrong to Ronald Reagan in 1981.
May this letter be for encouragement for our next president: Mr.Donald J. Trump, when he is sworn into office this coming January .
MR. PRESIDENT: You've assumed the most important office in the world on a landslide vote - a virtual mandate.I know something of the stupendous problems with which you now must grapple. I have discussed world and national difficulties with heads of state on all continents. I know something of how difficult, knotty and often impossible of human solution are the conditions you now face - greater than those confronting any other head of state.
If ever a President needed the help of this great people he leads, it is now. Some are asking, can you turn the United States around? They look to problems of inflation, unemployment, energy, taxes, budget, business, defense. But those are materialistic problems. In the materialistic area we have fared better than we realize.
You can read the HWA slobberfest here: A Voice Cries Out