Good old superfantabulous Dave, God's mailman. As an apostle and prophet to the Church of God, Dave is The Man!
So God has chosen a system where, when He wants to send a warning—good news or bad…generally, bad news, but sometimes good…(Zechariah…there was a lot of good in there)—He needs a postman, and that is what He gets—called a prophet. Now the only difference between a prophet and the guys in the white trucks who come here every day and go to your house…they go like this [knocking sound]…they knock on your door, and he reads the letter to you, in effect, closes it up and walks away. Now most people, of course, don’t come to the door with a note pad and write the letter down. They just go to the box later, after the truck is gone, and they read whatever was sent to them.A prophet is different. He knows the contents of the letter, and that is the difference. It is the words of God…else how would we read the Bible and know that they are the words of God? Now that is an important thing to understand. Elijah’s role will be to do what God tells him to do. It is a lesser office than apostle……When it comes to specific messages that you have to get to Garcia…you have to “get a message to Garcia”…you all know the story…you use a prophet. That’s why the last servant is a prophet.……If he is an apostle to the Church—and it will be a growing church of many tens of thousands all over the world—and you are going to understand things you never have before…Well, then he is an apostle. But, when he acts on God’s behalf, he is, in fact, a prophet, who says exactly what he is supposed to say, not some facsimile of it.