Rod Meredith and others love to proclaim they have a forceful message that is important to get out to the world. They claim to be a bold witness for truth's lost to the world. They and only they have the true words of God to call to task the evil world they live in.
From Rod Merdith warning about your gay neighbors, unisex bathrooms and rampaging Chinese/German/Muslim hoards, to Jimmy Meredith preaching at the annual Christmas party, these great messages can no longer be heard online without giving LCG your name and getting a password so you can listen.
Gerald Weston has laid down more laws as he rises in power. He and only he was will approve which messages the unwashed masses can listen to online.
It has nothing to do with the "milk and meat" nonsense that the church has always used. Babes to the "truth" don't need milk sermons anymore than regular members need "meat" sermons.
If prospective members actually knew what LCG preached they would run the other direction. After publicly being shamed by Meredith's sermon contributing to the Milwaukee murders, LCG knows it can't afford to the have sermons freely up online for the public to listen to.
Boasting that your message is BOLD and a WITNESS TO THE WORLD is a lie when you hide behind firewalls. The gospel is free to anyone who wants to listen and cannot be thwarted by embarrassed men hiding behind passwords to protect their uninspiring, legalistic, and graceless messages.
From Rod Merdith warning about your gay neighbors, unisex bathrooms and rampaging Chinese/German/Muslim hoards, to Jimmy Meredith preaching at the annual Christmas party, these great messages can no longer be heard online without giving LCG your name and getting a password so you can listen.
Gerald Weston has laid down more laws as he rises in power. He and only he was will approve which messages the unwashed masses can listen to online.
Live broadcasts are no longer open for anyone to view.
David Good’s service for COGWA - which allows non-members to request a password to view live Sabbath and holy day services - has been discontinued by LCG. Only recorded sermons that have been authorized by Gerald Weston will now available.
Roderick Meredith will of course decide if the livestrem service on Christmas Eve during the Family Weekend festival is to be open to everyone, as it was last year. COG NewsAny church that claims to be presenting a witness to the world does NOT hide their sermons and articles behind password protects. LCG needs to do this because Rod Meredith, Gerald Weston, Richard Ames and others says stupid things.
It has nothing to do with the "milk and meat" nonsense that the church has always used. Babes to the "truth" don't need milk sermons anymore than regular members need "meat" sermons.
If prospective members actually knew what LCG preached they would run the other direction. After publicly being shamed by Meredith's sermon contributing to the Milwaukee murders, LCG knows it can't afford to the have sermons freely up online for the public to listen to.
Boasting that your message is BOLD and a WITNESS TO THE WORLD is a lie when you hide behind firewalls. The gospel is free to anyone who wants to listen and cannot be thwarted by embarrassed men hiding behind passwords to protect their uninspiring, legalistic, and graceless messages.