As usual the leadership of the Living Church of God is blaming members for the drop in attendance (i.e income) during Holy Days that fall on week days. It seems that the church has been unable to get its message clearly across to the Laodicean members in it's midst. Weston blames it on so many of them being new to the faith. They apparently are too dumb to understand the reasons why they should be attending instead of going to work or to school.
Even worse though is the fact that many "old time" members are doing the same thing! Heathens! James Malm will NOT be happy! Where is the ZEAL????????
Could it be that they are all sick of being yelled at? Could it be that they are sick of every single sermon that Meredith preaches has to denigrate gays, women and other Christians? Could it be they are sick of the endless drivel about jackbooted Germans and rampaging Muslims in every single sermon, article, tv show and tweet?
The ministry of the Living Church of God has spent decades trying to scare people into believing their baloney. Fear no longer seems to have a stranglehold on members as it did in years gone by.
...I have noticed a different trend over a number of years that when a Holy Day falls during the week, we consistently have a lower attendance than when one falls on the weekend. This pattern is likely related to newer people who haven’t yet come to understand the importance of God’s annual Sabbaths, but some members have been around long enough to know better. Paul tells us in Hebrews 11:6 that it is impossible to please God without faith. Let’s all step out in faith this Monday for the Feast of Trumpets and October 12 for the Day of Atonement.—GEW