To reinforce that mindset, Dave claims that Haggai 2:8 pertains to him. Since he is his god's only true COG leader and therefore the rightful steward of all tithes and offerings, the money that COG members are giving to their own groups are technically his. It's his the money that belongs to his god and therefore rightfully is his, since he is the only TRUE leader on earth today.
Haggai 2:8: “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, says the Lord of hosts.”
The Hebrew for “silver” by implication means “money.” “Gold” can also mean “precious metal.” This is an important message to God’s servants carrying out His end-time Work. God is saying that He controls (owns) vast financial resources and can provide them for His Work. In fact, He will do this in part simply because all of God’s tithes and offerings are going to one place. God is saying that He is going to redirect funds that are currently being stolen by leaders who will soon be removed from office. God will take care of the needs of His Church. Also realize that this message is to the remnant. Caught up much more deeply in the world, and in the everyday coveting going on there, they must be reminded that everything on Earth belongs to God. They must return to sacrificing for His Work as we all once did under Mr. Armstrong’s leadership.