Did Davey just spend $25,000.00 in tithe money for his own piece of Steuben crystal for his new mahogany desk? Poor thing! I guess Herbert Armstrong never saw fit to give Dave, his most loyal man ever, a price of Steuben as a Thank-you. Like almost all things regarding Dave's track record in the ministry it's all made up. Dave will never be an HWA and will NEVER lead a large work.
Dave apparently was/is sooooooooo desperate to get an exact copy of HWA's Steuben that he has searched high and low for a piece. He has not been able to score an original piece so he had to get his own and pretend it was like HWA's. Of course he did not spend his own money but conned a member to dish out $25,000 for it.
Dave apparently was/is sooooooooo desperate to get an exact copy of HWA's Steuben that he has searched high and low for a piece. He has not been able to score an original piece so he had to get his own and pretend it was like HWA's. Of course he did not spend his own money but conned a member to dish out $25,000 for it.