I have had several interesting conversations over the weeks with people with close ties to James Malm and his sidekick Constance. Malm has elevated her to an almost mythical position in his mini cult. She writes articles for him and does all she can to support him with her "spiritual" knowledge. Malm portrays Constance as the greatest spiritual widow the church has ever seen, even though she is no widow.
Prior to joining up with Malm she was a professional church hopper after leaving the WCG. I'm not talking about COG related groups but evangelical churches. She would get involved and then someone would contact the church and tell them to ask her a certain question about something she did with arsenic and she would disappear from the church and move on to another. Add to this mix an extended foray into the black arts with the a head witch in her hometown Petoskey. She is well versed in the black arts, spells and incantations. Just the characteristics that a spiritual widow of Jesus would possess.
During all of this she was slowly and methodically adding arsenic to her husband's food, if you could call it that. Her husband said she was the worst cook imaginable. After suffering major health issues and numerous hospital visits, it was discovered what was going on. Now, thankfully he is in good health, much to her chagrin.
It was also revealed that she claims to be disabled, just like Malm does, even though those that know her claim she is not. A professional moocher better describes her, just like it does Malm.
One of the hallmarks of the Christian faith is its respect for families. This is not something that is on Constance's or Flurry's radar.. Like Flurry, she has cut off all contact with her child from her previous marriage.
Why is it that so many in the Church of God, who claim to beacons of spiritual knowledge, are so sick in their treatment of family? Apparently it is more important to bastardize the law and make it their god than it is to practice grace, love and mercy.
Beware of the leaven of the Malmite Pharisees. They can be deadly to your very existence.
More to come in this story....