Oh those fun boys at the Philadelphia Church of God cult compound! It's hard to tell what wackiness they will come up with, but they have just dropped another big one.
God apparently has a physical house located in Edmond Oklahoma, on the PCG cult compound of course. God has an earthly temple which is the Herbert W Armstrong Auditorium.
As usual, Gerald Flurry does not have an original thought in his alcohol riddled brain. His earthly idol Herbert Armstrong, said the aome thing decades ago. The Ambassador Auditorium (God's House) was filed with almost every kind of debauchaery you could imagine. Sex romps (gay and straight), drugs, alcohol fueled parties, mate swapping, and even stories of demons running rampant. Word has it that the HWA Auditorium is also getting its share of gay and straight sex, alcohol, and demon problems. If the Ambassador Auditorium could do it, why can't they!
In recent years, God has been getting the minds of His people focused on the millennial temple prophesied in Ezekiel 40-48. Today, in the hall of administration at the Philadelphia Church of God headquarters, is a model of the Ezekiel temple. (You can read about this in our booklet Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet.) This temple—like Armstrong Auditorium, God’s physical house today—points us forward to new Jerusalem, and the dazzling future it represents.Flurry and crew have been writing all kinds of articles to train member all about the Jerusalem temple and all of its accouterments. Part of that training is talking about the Ark of the Covenant. The Flurry cult are currently under the delusion that they will find it buried in a hill in Ireland. They then will put it on display for the whole world to marvel at. Since God currently lives in the HWA Auditorium you can be guarantees that PCG would put it on display under the gold inscription in the lobby.
See Does Joel Hilliker Dream of Finding the Ark of the Covenant?
Also see: Bob Thiel's asinine belief that HE will be the discoverer of the Ark of the Covenant.
Continue in verses 21-22. God’s voice emanated from between the cherubim above that seat. Remember: Today, the veil is gone, so when you come to the incense altar, you are right there before the ark and mercy seat, where God’s voice is! God communes with His people from there daily!
Take another peek into God’s heavenly throne room in Revelation 11:19. There we see the real ark! “This is God’s temple in heaven. There is an ark of the testament or covenant there, in the midst of lightning and thunderings and earthquakes—a very impressive sight. First, there was the ark in heaven. God had Israel build a physical ark patterned after the ark in heaven. It was a symbol of God’s rule on Earth as in heaven. … There were two physical cherubs with outstretched wings over the ark, or God’s throne. That is the way it literally is in heaven” (ibid).
This verse in Revelation “pictures the ark as playing a key role in Christ’s rule over the nations. This is a prophecy. God is going to administer His law and feed the world with great abundance, physically and spiritually. Almost immediately, the world will be introduced to the ark after Christ returns. God is preparing us now to teach about the ark. We must understand this vital subject. The ark of the covenant is for the whole world” (ibid).
Notice the prophecy in Jeremiah 3:16. This suggests that sometime soon, the ark will be discovered and put on display where people can “visit it.” Even so, not long after that, people will not talk about it anymore, or even remember it. The ark is just a symbol of God’s rule on Earth. But the time is coming when that rule will actually be here! You no longer need the symbol when the real thing manifests on Earth.Flurry and crew have new commission now.
It is to teach the entire world about the TempleRead about Ezekiel’s temple in Ezekiel 43:10. “God commands us to show the world this temple, and the government it represents—in detail!” Mr. Flurry wrote. “Then the people of Israel and the world will see that the way God manages His government is vastly different from anything in the world today. When they see how God’s government will work and how the problems of this world will be solved, in time they will be ashamed of how they have been defiant toward the living God!” (Jerusalem’s Temples).
Notice our responsibility in verse 11. Our job is to support God’s apostle in showing people all the details about this temple—including all its ordinances and laws. How much do you really know about the ordinances and laws of God’s sanctuary? Mr. Flurry said this is a commission we have to complete before the Tribulation! We have to publicize these details in a way that is vivid and memorable enough for it to make a lasting impression.There seems to be no end to the stupidity that comes out of the Church of God anymore. Even worse is that there are gullible people that still believe it is all true!