Gerald Flurry has a horrible reputation in the Church of God in how he treats his cult members. The Philadelphia Church of God is NOT a church and certainly is not godly. It is by every definition a cult. Flurry is far sicker in the things he says and does than even the shenanigans going on in LCG, RCG and UCG.
The Flurry cult is the same one that told members to abandon their disabled child at the mall so the state could take care of it. Its the same cult that has driven numerous members to committee suicide over the last few years.
Why do members allow themselves to be abused in such a manner? They know they should not be doing what he tells them, yet so so many of them do. Gerald Flurry the Philadelphia Church of god show us just how debased Armstrongism can be.
Exit and Support has this up:
July 22, 2016
My mate has former friends from PCG who have told of a brand new ruling sent down from King Flurry that was announced last Sabbath. Jerry Flurry, in his "omnipotent wisdom," has ruled that now all contact with unbaptized children who have left the PCG is to be terminated immediately.
It has been the policy for years that parents were still allowed to talk to children who have left the PCG only If they were unbaptized. Now Pope flurry has even taken away that small mercy.
The talk amongst the children now affected by this judgment is that this will push many PCG families over the edge and force them to leave or get put out. Others feel that this will put one more nail in the coffin of Flurryism. Flurry is looking more and more like "mad King George" as his actions are ruining the PCG. All of his egomaniacal pipe dreams have come to nothing. The dig in Jerusalem has failed. The PCG radio station broadcast from the Edmond compound has failed. Membership has plummeted since the late 90s and there is almost no growth. Some wonder that in the end all that will be left is a small "Jonestown faithful" secluded on the Edmond compound. --Former PCG member
ht: Redox