Rumors have been swirling around for the last year and and a half that changes were coming to church doctrines in UCG. The UCG spin doctors immediately jumped into gear and said NOTHING was being changed.
Where have we all heard that before? From these very same men who lied as WCG paid employees that nothing was being changed doctrinally. Some if them said that any changes that might be coming were "not salvation issues" and not to worry about it. Well we all saw how that panned out!
While these very same men, now sitting in lofty positions in UCG, were denying changes, they knew things were going to change and immediately started plotting and scheming on how to continue their money stream once thy were out of jobs.
Now these men are sitting pretty in UCG, financially secure for the rest of their lives. So secure that they feel that reformations needs to come to UCG. Theses were the very same men who supported the changes in WCG. Even though they jumped ship, many of theses men still hold on to the reformations that Tkach Sr. instituted in WCG.
The track record in the church is well established that when ever the leadership starts denying something they are either guilty of it or that have plans to do what they are accused of. Lying has never been an issue in the leadership of the Church of God.
When the troubles started recently in a Canadian UCG over changes happening, the members were told that these things were NOT salvation issues and that they should not worry about them.
To show how unconcerned theUCG ministry is about members questioning them, the minister in Canada told the upset members to leave if they did not like the subtle changes.
We would never have heard a comment like that out of the ministry from the past. you were either told to be quiet or disfellowshipped. Now they just don't care.
Part of the reason this pastor could care less is that he is only a year short of retirement. Why should he care if he loses members? He is set for life. The boys in Cincinnati have guaranteed that.
It’s going to be in interesting summer in UCG and the rest of the Churches of God. Meredith and Flurry have had severe health issues, strokes, and are mentally deteriorating. Stephen Flurry and Jimmy Meredith are heir apparent’s and intensely disliked by most. Pack’s cult is ready implode. LCG’s is almost guaranteed to rupture once Meredith dies. Members refuse to follow Weston or Lil’Jimmy.
How many more years will the Churches last as they lie their way to retirement?
Who needs those ethic committees anyway!