See the absolutely mind boggling static-cling sticker here.
This will make the other COG's super jealous!
These wildly playful folks in the public relations area of United Church of God have come up with ANOTHER fail-safe way of getting the gospel out the world. They want UCG members to take their amazing Beyond Today static-cling car stickers and plaster them all over their cars! Your neighbors will be impressed! Your high school friends with be intrigued and want to know more about your church. The world will be in awe!
And, here is a new project: we would like our brethren to help us bring more attention to the work of the Church. At the GCE meeting we are distributing Beyond Today car-window static-clings that can easily be put onto everyone’s vehicles. We are asking that all pastors and elders return home with enough clings for everyone in their congregation. If your pastor is not at the meeting this year, we will make arrangements for the clings to be shipped to your church areas.
The next thing we will see will be Jelly sock puppets or antenna balls. Let the gospel roll forth!