This is going to be a bitter pill for Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel to swallow. The comes from a Church of God member who freely admits there is idolatry in the Church of God. Even worse this comes fro the guy who is exposing Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel as a false prophet and accuser of the brethren.
John D, on the Church of God Perspective writes:
Do people in the Church covet? Yes. Do people in the Church shade the truth? Yes. Do people in the Church steal? You know that some do, even if it is only small amounts. Judas, who was in the presence of Jesus Christ, still stole. So, it should not be surprising that people can call themselves Christian and still be involved in idolatry.
Having said that, obviously the warnings are there and there so often not only because idolatry is possible but probable. Look around, and some blatantly worship a dead man. Some worship their organization or perhaps the man running it (often by introducing the idolatry as a flagrant elevation of the dead man and then shifting to themselves). Some people have fallen in love with their own pet doctrine and left the Church because their pet doctrine was more important than keeping the commandment to assemble together. Some have made an idol out of government. Some border on worshiping the host of heaven with their fanatical and distorted view of the calendar. Idolatry in the Church of God is not only possible, but it is!
How true are his words! This is been going on for generations. Just look at the various Church of God leaders we have today. Idolatry regions supreme. Worship of HWA and of themselves. Worship of doctrines and law instead of grace and
Still think idolatry cannot exist in the Church? Christ Himself said it would be there at various times down through the ages. Remember that He admonishes each and every one of the Seven Churches of Revelation to listen to what He says to the “churches“, plural. The messages were targeted to each and yet meant for all.What message does Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel preach that emulates
Instead, most treat the messages as a way of picking out the one we like the best, applying it to ourselves and then hit everyone else over the head with the others. It is so backwards that it is a doctrine of Satan. Ironically, it in itself is a form of idolatry in the Church of God, taking notions like “us vs them”, “Laodicean vs Philadelphian”, church “eras” and such way out of proportion and making them more important that the actual messages Christ was delivering to all the churches down through all of time up until His return.