The Philadelphia Church of God posted an article that tells loyal followers of Gerald Flurry what a privileged life students lead at their little "college" in England. Its a rather pathetic exposé of a church cult that demonstrates how spiritually bankrupt they really are.
This is how the morning starts out for one of the guys at Edstone mansion:
Up at 5 a.m. Down two flights of stairs to the fitness center for a 20-minute workout. Up two flights to the men’s dorm to shower. Down a flight to the kitchen for freshly ground and brewed Ethiopian roast. for morning headlines over sips of coffee. Malachi’s Message for Bible study, followed by prayer. Fifteen minutes to get ready: just enough time to meet the other students in the cafeteria for a quick breakfast. Then it’s 8 a.m., and the day really begins.
Welcome to a day in the life of a student at Herbert W. Armstrong College–Edstone.Notice what the focus is? A plagiarized book, news headlines for the PCG indoctrination page instead of London and European papers, and the exquisite life of a privilege white kid.
Then its down the hall to "college" classes. PCG's interpretation of HWA's interpretation of prophecy. The focus upon comparing Gerald and Stephen Flurry to Jeremiah. Since Stephen is the only legitimate heir to the Flurry empire and his fathers rapidly becoming mental state, it is important to demonstrate that the Bible tells of the coming Stephen's amazing work. Given that there is no comparison whatsoever between these two and Jeremiah; its nothing more than indoctrination class.
This particular day is Wednesday. Armed with Tuesday night’s preparations, Hochstetler is ready for the first class of the day, Bible Prophecy. Fellow senior Samuel Livingston plays the lecture, which was recorded by instructor Wik Heerma two days prior at the college’s home campus in Edmond, Oklahoma. Mr. Heerma opened the second semester of the course with a comparison between the commission and work of the Prophet Jeremiah and that of the Philadelphia Church of God in the 21st century.
Then its down the hall to another classroom and a live instruction of God's prophet Stephen Flurry on PCG doctrine.
The next class is Doctrines of the Philadelphia Church of God, taught by Armstrong College President Stephen Flurry.
Then its around the corner to another room for a "live" video presentation from Jerusalem by a PCG student and working on the dig PCG has in Israel. A student that is presently digging. No archeology degree, no advanced studies, no work in other projects around the world, nothing other the a couple summers worth of work.
Then there is the glamorous information about hard working Brad McDonald. Students are privilege to see him walking around in his wells looking at his sheep.
On the other side of the property, from the mail department window, volunteer mail packers see UK-Europe Regional Director Brad Macdonald walking out to check on the landscapers’ work. Wearing his “wellies” he walks off the pavement of the circular drive and between the newly planted rows of yew hedging. He looks over his shoulder, past the circular flowerbed and the Union Jack flagpole, to wave as Mrs. Amy Flurry beeps her car horn and drives out the gate to do errands in Stratford, about seven miles down Birmingham Road. Mr. Macdonald continues on to check how Hochstetler and the other workers are progressing on their current project: moving a shed.What a humble righteous man.
Then its a shining example of how the PCG dumbs down its women and relegates them to the kitchen. Men are sooooo much more intelligent and godly than the those with "ladies recipes."
While the male students are developing public-speaking skills, the female students attend Meal Management class. Wednesdays are lab days, so Hochstetler and the guys stop by after Homiletics to taste-test the ladies’ recipes, which vary from naturally sweetened chocolate cake to curry-spiced amaranth and millet dishes. Hochstetler, who admits he has a sweet tooth, says his favorite dish has been the brandy snap baskets filled with whipped cream.Not once is Jesus ever mentioned in the daily journey of a PCG student. Just like it's magazines, sermons, videos and publications. Jesus is nowhere to be found.
You can read this yourself here: Day in the Life: An Edstone Student